Today we had Sam's 9 month check-up appointment. I was really looking forward to this one because no shots were involved and I was really interested to see how much she was growing.
We were the only people in the waiting room this morning which was kind of nice and Sam was big enough this time to play with the toys they had there. She was so excited and was very proud of herself for figuring it out.
Once we were called back they checked her height and head circumference. Once those were done they walked us back to the baby scale and weighed her. The doctor was nice as usual and said that Sam is growing like a weed and looking great. Her height is still in the 90-95% range so she's very tall.
She was very well behaved at the appointment and that made things so much easier for everyone involved! I had to take her by myself today (Blake usually comes with us) so I was crossing my fingers for an easy visit.
Here are her stats:
Height = 29 1/4 inches (up 2 1/4 inches from 6 month appt.)
Weight = 19 lbs 3.5 oz (up almost 3 lbs from 6 month appt.)
Head = 17 3/4 inches (up 1 1/4 inches!)